Drawing in 2021 - Sketchbook in Top Nav

Going to try something a little different this year with how I upload my sketches to the site. Previously, I’d really only put up pieces that I was somewhat happy with. This year, I’m going to try and put up everything, or as much as possible. I thought it might be more interesting to see the journey of the artist this year, as I plan on going back to a lot of foundations: I’ve picked up a couple of books on perspective, which has always been my weakness, and I signed up for one of Proko’s human figure drawing courses.

The problem with the “let’s put everything up” approach, is that it’s going to be hard for visitors to see those pieces I’m more proud of. For now, I plan on relying on the blog for that - I’ll be able to call out things I’m proud of and highlight them. Maybe I’ll put up a portfolio section once I feel like I have a large enough library to really isolate it to those top 15-20 pieces.

Anyways, hoping this year will be better than 2020. Stay safe and happy New Year! Here are some of first gestural drawings of 2021: