03/28/21 Figure Drawing Practice

Been in a bit of a rut - don’t know that I’m really ready to move on from the lessons I’m going through, but not quite sure where to really focus either. I think for the following week, I’m just going to try and stop overthinking the approach (boxes, mannequinization, Robo-bean, landmarks) and just really focus on building out in shapes and then adding details. Anyways, a couple of drawings from today’s session.

03/17/21 Figure Drawing Practice

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Man, in terms of drawing, I feel like I’m regressing. These were a couple based on models with no guidance. I need to refresh myself on the landmark video as I’m still really have trouble placing things especially on the back. This weekend, I’m going to start up the next series of videos to see if the future lessons address this more.

3/16/21 Figure Drawing Practice

The past week has been nuts. Apartment had some water issues and damage, so focusing’s been really tough with everything else going on. Picked up a Cintiq and it’s taking a little while to get adjusted compared against the iPad. Had a really bad sketching session last night, but tonight had at least some okay sketches.

03/09/21 Figure Drawing Practice

Oof - today’s sketches came out like shiiiiiiiiit. Oh well, back to the drawing board tomorrow :)