01/26/21 Sketches

Continuing to build animals from shapes and finding it hard to not develop them further with more detail. Just kind of getting lost in it, especially because the subject matter is cute and drawing them has been peaceful.

01/24/21 Figure Drawing Practice

One might be really confused seeing a title of figure drawing and seeing a shoe. This week’s task in the figure drawing course is to start thinking in 3D space and draw some objects made up of the three basic shapes - sphere, cylinder and square. Will try to start looking at animals mid-week, and then when the next week starts, applying it to the human figure. Anyways, sketches for today:

01/20/21 Figure Drawing Practice

This might have been the toughest night - adding in foreshortening to the bean poses. This may be my last entry for the week - work’s about to get insane and I get the feeling I’m going to be drained.

Also, very happy that President Biden and VP Harris ere sworn in today :)